organic potatoes

Potato production begins in early April, when the pre-sprouted potatoes are placed in the ground. It is important that the soil has the right moisture and temperature.

When the potatoes are the right size, they are topped to stop the growth. The potatoes remain in the ground and are harvested until around October.

The potatoes that have not been harvested are placed in a hollow where they are stored over the winter.

Organic potatoes grow slower than conventional potatoes, but in return you get delicious and flavorful potatoes that are produced without the use of chemical fertilizers.

Potatoes are a filling vegetable packed with fiber, vitamins and minerals. You get a high nutritional value in potatoes and you get great satiety for fewer calories compared to pasta and rice, for example. Potatoes are also a good source of vitamin C and dietary fiber, where vitamin C contributes to the normal function of the nervous system and the formation of collagen, among other things.





Dark and cool. Preferably in the fridge’s crisper drawer.

assortment of potatoes

The assortment of potatoes ranges from early varieties such as SOLIST to varieties such as DITTA that extend into the fall. All varieties have different tastes, textures and properties depending on their intended use.

How to use

Potatoes are a classic vegetable that is familiar in most Danish kitchens. Potatoes are filling and a great base for stews, soups, salads and as a side dish.

Potatoes can be boiled, baked, mashed and fried. And they can really absorb flavor, making them ideal in salads with vinaigrette or pesto dressing, for example.

Potatoes are much more than just a side dish for classic Danish dishes, so don’t forget the potatoes when you next put food on the table.

We always recommend that root vegetables are washed well before cooking to avoid soil bacteria in the kitchen.