Career path
All job applications should be sent to:
A confirmation email is automatically sent back with a standard response.
If we want to meet you in person, we’ll be in touch. We always process applications on a rolling basis and usually without a specific deadline.
Naturally, we comply with the applicable requirements of GDPR.
If there are any specific issues you need clarification on, our phone is always open. We look forward to hearing from you!
See if we have vacancies here
At DanRoots, we believe that employees who thrive in their jobs are the path to success. The organization itself consists of 3 departments; an administration, a production and a field department, each with strong competencies in their own field.
There are many career paths and it’s never too late to open up new job areas depending on your ambitions.
With a unified set of values, we lead the company. Our values are our foundation and reflect how we act in everyday life and how we are perceived by the outside world. We are
proud, dedicated and responsible.
Why are we proud?
We are proud of our workplace. We pride ourselves on delivering healthy root vegetables. We are proud of all our employees, who are our most important resource, and we are proud to provide our employees with good working conditions and terms.
Why are we dedicated?
We are dedicated because we value community. We have a winning culture in our daily work and we go “all-in” on our tasks – we don’t let go until the job is done. We dedicate time to our employees so they can train and add value to the company.
Why are we responsible?
We are responsible in everyday life because we take our work seriously. We care about the environment and our surroundings and we treat everyone with respect.
Michael Kirkegaard began his career at DanRoors as a trainee – today he is an operations manager and has extensive knowledge and understanding of how the field department is developed and managed.

We see opportunities in educating students
Watch the video here, which briefly explains what it’s like to be an apprentice at DanRoots.
We always recommend that root vegetables are washed well before cooking to avoid soil bacteria in the kitchen.